Pinnacle Career Institute is regulated by the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education (CBHE). The following is the policy for complaint resolutions with the CBHE:



In order for institutions of higher education to participate in the federal student aid programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, an institution must be legally authorized to provide post-secondary educational programs within the state in which it is located. By rule promulgated by the U.S. Department of Education, part of this “state authorization” requirement is that the state must have “a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution including enforcing applicable State laws ….” 34 C.F.R. § 600.9(a)(1). For its part, the institution must “provide students or prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accreditor and with its State approval or licensing entity and any other relevant State official or agency that would appropriately handle the student’s complaint.” Id. at § 668.43(b).

The Coordinating Board has determined that from the perspective of the institutions and of students and prospective students, it is preferable to have a simplified process with a central clearinghouse for addressing complaints rather than a complex matrix of contact points that might not cover every possible complaint and might also easily become outdated. Therefore, this policy sets out a process by which the Missouri Department of Higher Education will serve as the clearinghouse for complaints concerning colleges and universities authorized to operate in the State of Missouri, acting on those within its purview and forwarding those that are not to other entities for their appropriate action.

Complaints Not Covered

Complaints concerning laws not applicable to a state institution of higher education are not covered by this policy. Complaints of criminal misconduct should be filed directly with local law enforcement authorities. Complaints relating to violations of Federal law should be filed directly with the Federal agency having cognizance over the matter in question (e.g., violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act with the U.S. Department of Education).

Exhaustion of Remedies at the Institutional Level

Many issues fall within areas that generally are within the sole purview of an institution and its governing board. Examples include, but may not be limited to, complaints related to student life (such as student housing, dining facilities, or student activities and organizations) and certain academic affairs (such as the assignment of grades).

Moreover, issues or complaints are generally more speedily and appropriately resolved within the grievance channels available at the institution. Face-to-face discussion of the matter through open-door policies or other informal means is the preferred starting point. Should that fail, the complainant should use formal dispute resolution mechanisms provided by the institution. Exhaustion of all informal and formal institutional processes, including both campus processes and any applicable system processes, is a prerequisite to filing any formal complaint with the MDHE pursuant to this policy.


If a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be reached at the institutional level, the student or prospective student may proceed with the MDHE’s formal complaint process. The complaint must be submitted in writing, using a complaint form provided by the MDHE. It may be mailed or faxed to the department and should include any other supporting documentation. The MDHE will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, either in writing or by email. 

Such acknowledgment, however, will not constitute a determination that the complaint addresses a law applicable to the institution or otherwise is a complaint covered by the policy. If there is no indication that institutional remedies have been exhausted, the complaint will be returned for that purpose.

Filing a complaint pursuant to this policy cannot, and does not, extend or satisfy any statutory deadlines that may apply to file particular complaints with any other state or federal agency having jurisdiction over such matters.

Complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the CBHE will be investigated and resolved as appropriate by the relevant unit of the MDHE. Complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of another State agency or are within the purview of an institution’s accrediting body will be forwarded to that agency for appropriate investigation and resolution. The agency to which the complaint is forwarded will keep the MDHE apprised of on-going status and final disposition of the complaint. All parties to the complaint will be notified of its resolution by mail.

The MDHE will keep a log of all complaints and record the date received, the name of the complainant, the institution against which the complaint is made, a brief description of the complaint, the agency addressing the complaint, and the date and nature of its disposition.

Note: Prior to initiating this formal process, complainants must first call the MDHE at 573-751-2361 to indicate their desire to file a complaint. At that time, the MDHE will ascertain whether the issue can be resolved through informal means and also determine whether administrative processes available within the institution of concern have been exhausted. If after that screening the complainant still desires to initiate a formal complaint, the MDHE will send the complainant the form to be filled out and returned for that purpose.

For Online students who reside in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Tennessee, Washington or Wisconsin, students can file a complaint with their own state regulatory agency. All other Online students should file external complaints with the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education. The following is a list of the contact information for all state regulatory bodies.

Alabama: The student may contact the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, PO Box 302130, Montgomery, AL 36130-2130; telephone 334.242.2959.

Alaska: Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (908)465-2962, (907)465-5316 - Please note that an institution exempt from authorization requirements under 20 AAC 17.015 (a)(8) must include a conspicuous statement on the institution’s marketing in the state, indicating that the program is exempt from authorization under AS 14.48 and 20 AAC 17 because the program is online or distance delivered and does not have a physical presence in the state.  


Arizona: The student may contact the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education, 1400 W. 

Washington, Room 260, Phoenix, AZ 85007, telephone 602.542.2399.

Arkansas: The student may contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201-3818; telephone 501.371.2065.

California: The student may contact the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, C/O Department of 

Consumer Affairs, PO Box 980818, W. Sacramento, CA 95798-0818; telephone 916.431.6959, 888.370.7589.

Colorado: The student may contact the Department of Higher Education, Commission on Higher Education, 1300 

Broadway Road, Second Floor, Denver, CO 80203; telephone 303.866.2723, 303.866.4209.

Connecticut: The student may contact the Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education, 

Connecticut State Board of Education, 61 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT 06105-2326; telephone 860.947.1800, 860.947.1821.

Delaware: The student may contact the Delaware Department of Education, The Townsend Building, 401 Federal St., Suite 2, Dover, DE 19901-3639; telephone 302.735.4000.

Florida: The student may contact the Commission for Independent Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400; telephone 850.245.3200.

Georgia: The student may contact the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, GA 30084; telephone 770.414.3306.

Hawaii: The student may contact the Business Registration Division of the Hawaii Department of Commerce and 

Consumer Affairs, P.O. Box 40, Honolulu, HI 96810; telephone 808.586.2744.

Idaho: The student may contact the Idaho State Board of Education, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0037; telephone 208.332.1587.

Illinois: The student may contact the Illinois Board of Higher Education, 431 East Adams Street, Second Floor,

Springfield, IL 62701-1418; telephone 217.557.7359, website:

Indiana: The student may contact the Indiana Board for Proprietary Education, 101 West Ohio Street, Suite 670,

Indianapolis, IN 46204; telephone 317.464.4400.

Iowa: The student may contact the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, 603 E. 12th Street, 5th Floor, Des 

Moines, IA 50319; telephone 515.725.3400.

Kansas: The student may contact the Board of Regents, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520, Topeka, KS 66612- 1368; telephone 785.296.4936, 785.296.4917.

Kentucky: The student may contact the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, 1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320, Frankfort, KY 40601-8204; telephone 502.573.1555 ext. 350.

Louisiana: The student may contact the State of Louisiana Board of Regents, P.O. Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821; telephone 225.342.4253.

Maine: Maine Department of Education (207) 624-6600, (207) 624-2700

Maryland: The student may contact the Maryland Higher Education Commission, 839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400,

Annapolis, MD 21401-3013; telephone 800.974.0203. Consumer Information Guide 2013–2014 — February 2014 88

Massachusetts: The student may contact the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, One Ashburton Place, Suite 1401, Boston, MA 02108-1696; telephone 617.994.6937.

Michigan: The student may contact the Michigan Department of Education, P.O. Box 30008 (or) 608 W. Allegan, Lansing, MI 48909; telephone 517.373.9235.

Minnesota: The student may contact the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, 1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350,

St. Paul, MN 55108; telephone 651.259.3975, 800.657.3866.

Mississippi: The student may contact the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation, 3825 Ridgewood Road,

Jackson, MS 39211; telephone 601.432.6372.

Missouri: The student may contact the State of Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education, 205 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101; telephone 573.751.2361.

Montana: Montana University System, Montana Board of Regents (406) 444-6570.

Nebraska: The student may contact the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, P.O. Box 95005, 

Lincoln, NE 68509-5005; telephone 402.471.0020, 402.471.2847.

Nevada: The student may contact the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education, 3663 E. Sunset Road, Suite #202, Las Vegas, NV 89120; telephone 702.486.7330.

New Hampshire: New Hampshire Post-secondary Education Commission, (503) 271-3494

New Jersey: The student may contact the New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education, 20 W. State Street, PO Box 

542, Trenton, NJ 08625-0542; telephone 609.292.4310, 609.984.2709.

New Mexico: The student may contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, 2048 Galisteo Street, Santa 

Fe, NM 87505-2100; telephone 505.476.8400.

North Carolina: The student may contact the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, General Administration, 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688; telephone 919.962.4538.

Ohio: The student may contact the Ohio Board of Regents, 25 South Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215; telephone 614.466.6000.

Oklahoma: The student may contact the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education, 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3603; telephone 405.225.100, 405.225.9142.

Oregon: The student may contact the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization, 1500 Valley River Dr. Suite 100, 

Eugene, OR 97401; telephone 541.687.7478.

Pennsylvania: The student may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333; telephone 717.83.6785.

Puerto Rico: The student may contact the Consejo de Educacion Superior de Puerto Rico/Puerto Rico Council on Higher Education, PO Box 19900, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00910-1900; telephone 787.724.7100 ext. 2022 or ext. 2016.

South Carolina: The student may contact the Nonpublic Postsecondary Institution Licensing, 1333 Main Street, Suite 200, Columbia, SC 29201; telephone 803.737.2281.

Tennessee: The student may contact the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Parkway Towers, Suite 1700, 404 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, Tennessee 37243- 0830; telephone 615.741.3605

Texas: The student may contact the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, P.O. Box 12788, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711; telephone 512.427.6520.

Utah: The student may contact the Utah System of Higher Education State Board of Regents, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1284; telephone 801.321.7103.

Vermont: Vermont State Board of Education (802) 828-3135

Virginia: The student may contact the Commonwealth of Virginia Council of Higher Education, James Monroe Building, 101 North Fourteenth Street, Richmond, VA 23219; telephone 804.225.2600.

Washington: The student may contact the Washington Student Achievement Council, PO Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430; telephone 360.753.7869, 360.753.7866.

Washington DC: The student may contact the Government of the District of Columbia Education Licensure Commission, 810 1st Street, NE, 2nd Fl., Washington, DC 20002; telephone 202.727.2824.

West Virginia: West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (304) 558-4016

Wisconsin: The student may contact the Wisconsin Educational Approval Board, 201 W. Washington Ave., 3rd Floor, Madison, WI 53703; telephone 608.266.1996, 608.266.1996.

Wyoming: The student may contact the Wyoming Department of Education, Hathaway Bldg., 2 Floor, 2300 Capitol Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0050; telephone 307.777.5712

State Authorization - Washington

This school is licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW. Inquiries or complaints regarding this private vocational school may be made to the: Workforce Board, 128 - 10th Ave. SW, Box 43105, Olympia, Washington 98504; Web:; Phone: 360-753-5662; E-Mail Address:

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